Whatever the Wound, I’ll Take Care of it!

Tulsa Church

Whatever the Wound, I’ll Take Care of it!


I’m marking the milestones of your life. Marking them with My lavish and extravagant love. For I plan only My best for you!  I am fair and just, giving the shunned, the snubbed, and the discarded My strong right hand.

Whatever the wound, I’ll take care of it!

I step out like I mean business. Primed for action, I announce my arrival, taking full and total charge. When you don’t know the way, and can’t see where you’re going, I always take your hand!

I’ll be your personal guide, showing you exactly what roads to take. Sticking with you, not leaving you for a minute. For My intention, out the goodness of My heart, is to be lavish in My love!

I am bringing a rest and refreshing to saturate and drench your entire life. I might not be early, but I am never late! Not only will you survive, but you will flourish and prosper. This is not about what you do for Me, but what I will do for you.

I am the captain of the ship! I will steady your feet, for with Me, you have a guarantee!

I am renowned for done deals. I am well able to do anything and everything! Nothing is impossible for Me and with Me. I have a reason for everything. Not only am I the God of big things, but I care about the small and minor things that affect you.

What you think is insignificant and unimportant, I have on my radar! Nothing escapes my eyes. I meet you at your level of faith. So keep believing, keep trusting, for I know exactly what to do and what you need.

I created the very breath of your life. I have ordered blessings on everything you put your hand too! My way is the way is the high-way, and My way has no bad side effects. So rest in Me, knowing I will do what you need me to do.

Don’t quit now!

With Me, you always win! Trust me for your breakthrough and victory. I will help you in the kindest of ways and give you an answer the day you call. Fill your arms with my many gifts, piling my blessings sky high! Keep your eyes on me, so that you don’t trip over your own feet. Then you will see my finished result, my perfect outcome!

Be cautious and be careful of the evil one who sneaks up on you. Keep a cool head and stay alert! He attacks suddenly and would like nothing better than to catch you while you’re napping. So keep your guard up! Keep a firm grip on your faith!

Life with Me is easy and light.  With Me, no trouble or evil can touch you. Do not let the enemy steal My Word from your heart!  Pay no attention to his threats. Continue to stand on My Word, My promises, the very lifeline to your existence. I’m not only your sideline but your main line!

I love you dearly, love you tenderly, love you as no one else loves you. Love Me! Know Me! So you can be confident and satisfied in all I have for you. Your confidence comes from Me. You can risk everything for Me and I will not disappoint or let you down. Remember how I delivered you before, and I will do it again and again. I am a loyal God, totally faithful, dependable, devoted, and trustworthy.

Not only will I restore to you what was lost and taken away unfairly, but I will give you a double blessing for every wrong, misdeed, outrage, and scandal thrown at you. I am fully and completely involved in repairing and rebuilding your life. I’ll not only restore to you the same amount you lost but give you way more than you had before!

My more than more! My superabundance! My great deal more! A higher place than before! Not only double, but way more than you ever expected! I will oversupply your needs, so your party will last all night long while I stand guard over your celebration, decking you out in full delight!

So get ready. Get ready for a huge return. Get ready for My overhaul! Get into position!

You’re about to move to the mountaintop and enjoy the sunshine!

– Word from the Lord, Sylvia Nelson, October 7, 2018







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