Where kids learn how much God loves them, who God says they are, and how to practically serve others !

The nursery is ages 0-Pre-k and elementary is K-5th grade

About LDC Kids

LDCKids is a place where kids learn who God is, how much He loves them and how to practically serve others by living out of him. Each lesson taught is tied into how to demonstrate God and who He made us to be. Our goal is for our kids to leave each service knowing they have been made perfect and are loved unconditionally; having all they need on the inside of them to live out God’s calling and purpose in their lives.


Children’s Pastor, Ashley Harper, has been an elementary school teacher for Broken Arrow Schools for 15+ years and was voted as Teacher of the Year at Rhodes Elementary. Her experience with kids plus her passion for Jesus are evident in the curriculum she writes and the way it is delivered to the kids by herself and her awesome LDCKids team.

Babies to 4 Years
of Age

Can be checked in at the their classroom at 9:45 am.

Kindergarten – 5th graders

Need to be checked in when you arrive. They will attend worship in the main church with their parents. After worship they will be released to go to their classroom.

5th Sunday Bible Buck Store

The students earn Bible Bucks every Sunday for things like participation, memory verses, bringing their Bible, etc. They get to redeem those on the 5th Sunday of every month for fun prizes, toys and games.

Wednesday Nights Service

We have our Babies-4 year old classroom and K-5th grade classroom available for Wednesday nights.

1 Timothy 4:12 The Passion Translation (TPT)


And don’t be intimidated by those who are older than you; simply be the example they need to see by being faithful and true in all that you do. Speak the truth and live a life of purity and authentic love as you remain strong in your faith.

Have questions for our LDCKids team, email us here