Churches in Broken Arrow | Life Demonstration Church

Churches in Broken Arrow | Life Demonstration Church

Churches in Broken Arrow | Life Demonstration Church

Are you new to the city of Broken Arrow? Have you lived here but are looking for a church for you and your family? Life Demonstration Church has been a non-denominational Churches in Broken Arrow for many decades. We are a Churches in Broken Arrow that has a congregation that is filled with many different loving people. We are one big family that is always open for new people to join. Our goal as a church is for you to feel like a different person than what you came in as. We believe that God will work through you and change you as a person here at LDC. What sets us apart from other Churches in Broken Arrow is our kind and loving people and our burning fiery passion for God. If you feel like God isn’t calling you to the church that you are currently at then we encourage you to give LDC a try. We can assure that you will fall in love with the kind and caring people here. We may be a smaller church but don’t let that fool you. Everything from our worship to our sermons are sure to fire you up as a christian. We believe that the fire of God rests on our Churches in Broken Arrow and we believe that it is our job to carry that fire everywhere we go as followers of Christ, it all starts within our church building and we extend that fire to everything we do.

We want everyone to feel welcome here at our Churches in Broken Arrow. As soon as you walk through the door you will be greeted by one of our greeters. Our greeters are always the nicest people we know and they are sure to brighten your day. After that we always provide doughnuts in the foyer for everyone to enjoy. While you are getting to meet everybody there will be a five minute countdown before church starts. At LDC church starts at 10am every Sunday.

Worship is one of the main aspects of church and we always are working to better our worship. Don’t let the size of our church fool you. Our worship is definitely a cut above the rest. Our worship team is full of awesome musicians that love God and everything He has for them. We believe that it is never but about us but that it is all about Him. If you like loud and energetic worship then LDC is definitely the Churches in Broken Arrow for you. Our team is talented and gifted to provide an awesome worship experience for you. We are always trying to improve what we can do to make our worship sound cleaner and better. This takes a lot of rehearsal time and planning but we believe that it is all worth it in the end. We dedicate ourselves to being a spirit lead worship team that wants to express the love of God through our music.

As a Churches in Broken Arrow we want to show people how much God loves them. We want everyone to experience the awesome and glorious power of God’s presence. We believe that God truly wants to work through you and do amazing things in your life and it all starts with finding the right church for you. Don’t let the size of our church hold you back. Our Churches in Broken Arrow is filled with the most loving and kind-spirited people and we want you to become a part of our family. Life Demonstration Church has been a strong and growing church for many decades and continues to improve and grow. We want to do to be the best church that we can and that starts with heavy maintenance and constant improvements to keep our Churches in Broken Arrow looking pristine.

One of the things we pride ourselves in is our awesome youth groups. We have two different youth groups that meet on both Wednesday night and Sunday night. Both of these youth groups are filled with awesome kids that are on fire for God. Our youth groups contain everything from food and fun games to awesome worship and small groups. We want our youth to want to come back every week and that starts with fun. We believe that a youth group should be a very fun time so that the kids will get involved. We want our youth kids to grow a relationship with God that will last and keep them hungry for His presence.

If you are in need of a church that you feel at home in then we believe LDC is the best Churches in Broken Arrow. We believe that you will feel like a part of an awesome family here at our Churches in Broken Arrow. As you get to know people from our congregation you will start to feel more a part of our family. We promise that you will feel right at home here and let God work throughout your life. People that go to our Churches in Broken Arrow say that they walk out every Sunday feeling renewed and ready to tackle their week knowing that the Holy Spirit is helping them with every step. Brett Freeman is the senior pastor and his sermons always pack a punch that will motivate you and even make you laugh. God is working in our church and we would love for you and your family to be apart of what is going on here at LDC. There are plenty of big Churches in Broken Arrow but we really enjoy the more intimate experience that a small church provides. This will keep you close to God and ready to learn more about him through scripture and teaching. We have different small groups and prayer groups for all ages and we are always searching for new people to join. We currently have two main prayer groups; our adult prayer group on Wednesday nights and our young adult prayer group called “Zeal” on Friday nights. We want you and your family to become a part of our beautiful family here at our Churches in Broken Arrow so come in this Sunday and watch what God does!