Your Mouth Is a Sword

Your Mouth Is a Sword

You’ve hear the term ‘three sheets to the wind.’ That means that they have no control. They’re out of control.

That’s being cheated out of what I’ve provided. These are not drunk as you suppose for it’s only the third hour of the day, but this is that that was spoken by the prophet Joel. In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.

There are many teaching, and it’s wrong, that in the last days I’ll pour out my spirit. You’re already in it. It happened at Pentecost, that began in the last days. I poured out my spirit that day. That same spirit that was poured out on the Earth, now lives in you, now comes upon you and lives out of you.

Your mouth becomes a sword of the Lord. When you speak and you pray in the Holy Ghost, your sword starts to swing. When your sword starts to swing, your flesh is not involved. Your mind is not involved.

There are many ways you can live out of the greatness of who I am, but it always starts with the mouth. It always starts with what you start to say.

Oh the Lord is good and his mercy endures forever! Oh the Lord is mighty and good in all his ways! God is big, God is strong, God is mighty!

The same God in the Old Covenant made the sun stay up so that darkness wouldn’t come upon them. The same God that wouldn’t let the sun set, is the same God that lives on the inside of you. He’s the same God that does the miraculous through you.

Oh it’s good news! Be happy about the God you got!

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