Stay close to God!  Don’t wander away from Me anymore!.  Get alone with God.  As time goes on God Will Say More!  Take a good look at your life and think it over.  I’m about to shake up everything, to turn everything upside down, start over from top to bottom.

Now don’t drop your guard.  Use your head.  Keep God in the picture for “THE GOD -FACTOR CHANGES EVERYTHING”!  When you rest in God – God Works!  When you work, God Rests!  When God works you end up with More – God’s ‘Much More’.  Simply Trust Me and enjoy My Love for you.

Sure enough I will do what I said I will do!  All is Well!

God Has EVERYTHING under Control!

God’s Good and Comforting Words!

I care deeply for you!  God Favors You!  You will thrive again – at ‘The Right Time’.  I’m on My way, moving into your neighborhood.  I will make it clear again – “You Are My Choice”!!  Then you will know for sure that God-Of-The-Angel-Armies has done this!

Something afoot in My ‘Holy House’ – God IS ON THE MOVE!

Pay careful attention to God so you can be well-instructed in All My Holy Ways.  So you can take on a ‘God-Fashioned Life’.  A Life that reproduces God’s Character in you.  Don’t Snear ‘This Day’ of small beginnings.  God’s Eyes are like Searchlights probing the dark corners of the world.  I have dreams for you that are bigger than you can imagine.  This Will be your Confirmation- “God Has Done This”!  

Is anything too  much for God?  Not if I have My Say!  I’ll stick with you, Do Right by you.

Get a grip on things!  Hold Tight!  I’m coming to Save you!  Keep your life simple and honest so you can get in on God’s Blessings!  What’s keeping you?  My Salvation, Glory and Power are God’s!  The Master Reigns!  God-Sovereign Strong!

Now don’t let your guard down!  I’m clearing the way ahead!  Yes I’m on ‘My Way’!  Yes on My Way to Visit you!  I haven’t changed, I’m still God your God and still in Control!  I will open up Heaven itself and pour Blessings beyond your wildest dreams.  I will Defend you, Protect you, Watch over you with My Sharp Eye.  You’ll experience what it is like to be a ‘person of Grace’.  You won’t get by if you push God to the limit.  You’re Mine!  You Matter to God!  I call you and know you by Name!  I see you!  Care deeply for you!  You’re not just a face in a crowd or a number.  I have a Personal Love for you!

I Treat you with Care, Compassion and Much Kindness!  You’ll get ‘Special Treatment’  when I go into action.

Count on it “The Day” is coming – “Sunrise” is on it’s way.  The SUN of righteousness will dawn on those who Honor My Name.  I’m the Bright Morning Star!  Healing radiating from its wings.  You’ll be bursting with energy, singing Hallelujahs to God your Mighty and Powerful God.

Clear the way for “The Big Day” of God!!   Never again will there be Night.  The “Shining” of God is all you need!  These are Dependable and Accurate Words!   Yes I’m on My Way!!   You will see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears. Don’t put My Words on the shelf, maintain a straight course.  TIME IS JUST ABOUT UP!  Yes I’m on my way!  I’ll be there soon.  I’m Bringing “My Payroll” with Me!  The Grace of God Will do this for you!

Why are you rushing?  You don’t have to be in a hurry!  You’re not running from anybody.! God is ‘The One’ leading you out here and God your God is also your Rear God!  I’m your God of yesterdays and the memory of your past will be growth for your future.

Whatever was -Is!

Whatever will be -Is!

That’s how it always is with God!

I will keep watch over you, so you will not be tripped again in the same disappointments.

Let the past rest, BUT Rest in the Sweet Embrace of your Heavenly Father.  Leave the past in My Hands and step out into Unconquerable Future with Me at your side.  When you’ve been knocked down I’ll get you up and you  will Start Over as Good as New!

Yes take a good look!  Then you’ll see how FAITHFULLY  I’ve Loved you and Continue to Love you.  I’ll be oh so Gracious to you!  Pay Full Attention to you!  Honor God! by bringing your Best before Me, so you can have Life and Peace. God who Guides you and Points you in the Right Direction!

God Your God Will Do It All!

I’ll be out in Front Leading you!

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