Research Says You NEED Ladies Night!

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Research Says You NEED Ladies Night!

Research backs that this Spring Session of Ladies Night is just what you need! Here’s what Rob Pascale, Ph.D, the author of Making Marriage Work says.

“Women’s sense of responsibilities makes their leisure time problematic. Their concerns about child care and maintaining their homes are often on their minds, even when they’re supposed to be taking time off.

While some can balance their various roles as spouse, worker, and home maintainer, many are unable to switch off these roles and relax enough to get absorbed in a leisurely activity.

Women sometimes feel guilty when they take time for themselves, and that can makes their leisure time more of a source of stress.

A break away from responsibilities will make women happier, and when women are happy, husbands, children and co-workers will feel the same way.”


Plan to take a few hours for yourself on Sunday nights in April! Come hang out with us at Ladies Night.

God says that you are the apple of His eye. That you are not too much, and that you’re exactly enough. You are a reflection of His beauty and worthy off all the good things in life. Let’s take time this Spring Session to focus on what God is saying about us, take time to enjoy each others company and learn to have some fun! Responsibilities are put on hold from 6-8pm every Sunday night! Sound good? See you then!

We’ll have a new activity every Sunday. We’ll keep you posted on when, where and what the fun will be.

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