Disconnect to Connect- National Day of Unplugging

Disconnect to Connect- National Day of Unplugging

What would day with no technology look like for you-no phone, no Facebook posts, Tweets or Instagram? Can you remember what life was like before all that? We’ve become so busy that we forget what’s really important.  We forget to include the Father in our everyday lives.  We forget to make time with our spouses and take a moment with our kids.


I’m completely guilty of this.  I’ve found myself during my morning devotions stoping to make a Facebook post because I want to share what God’s showing me or Tweet a verse that just came alive to me. What’s wrong with enjoying that moment, in the moment, with Jesus?


How may parents are guilty of hearing your children repeatedly call your name but you haven’t noticed because you were sucked into something you were watching on your phone? There’s nothing wrong with Facebook post, Instagrams or Tweets but they have they their place.


Let’s disconnect from the phone so we can connect, first with the Father, and then with each other. How will your day be different tomorrow? Happy National Day of Unplugging. #unplug

Disconnect to Connect



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