How Do You Know It’s God’s Voice?

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How Do You Know It’s God’s Voice?

Some people make hearing God’s voice tough. The main question is, “How do I tell the difference between God speaking to me and my own thoughts?” The truth is that it can be tough to discern! But God wants it to be easy and free-flowing.

When God speaks, He speaks to us through our spirits. He doesn’t speak to us through our brains, but by a supernatural connection we have with Him on the inside. The tricky part is that it does come THROUGH our brains. God will speak through our spirits, but it comes through our brains, so sometimes we dismiss it because we think we’re just talking to ourselves. God’s voice actually sounds a lot like our own voice! That’s because the words are coming through our spirits, to our brains.

When we think we’re hearing God’s voice, but we’re not sure, we need to run it through these three things;

1. God’s voice will always be in line with His word.

2. God’s voice will always be encouraging.

3. God will never give you an “If.” Such as, “If you do this, I’ll do this.” If it’s a “what if?” then it’s not God.

The Word says that we grow in our relationship with Jesus by reason of use. Another way to say that is, we learn how to hear God’s voice by practicing! If we’re not sure if what we’re hearing is God’s voice, that’s okay. We can relax and know that this is a learning process. Most people learn how to hear God’s voice through experience. Sometimes we’ll look back and realize that God had been speaking to us for a long time about something! Or God may give you an opportunity to step out in faith to see if what you’re hearing is really coming from Him.

God’s voice is so easy that sometimes it will seem almost too natural. But remember, it will always line up with His Word, it will always be encouraging, and it will never have an “if.” Living with God is a life of constant growth, so get out there and practice!

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