God’s Treasure Chest

God’s Treasure Chest

I’m a good kind loving God!
I have plenty of everything!
Plenty kindness!
Overwhelming amount of mercy!
More than enough grace!
More than more compassion – and My love never runs out!

I know you’re empty. I know you’re depleted, but I’m here to help. Here to bless you. Here to favor you. God your God, generous to the core! Your God so good! Your God so faithful! Even the SMALL things I do are BIG, for I always look after you.
You succeed when you stay close to your God! Put your faith in what I WILL DO, for I have a well-planned life for you. Don’t cloud your mind with worries, human reasoning or unbelief. But let your thoughts be pleasing to your God, for then it will bring much pleasure, much joy, like a sweet smelling aroma!

Hold fast to your God!  Hold tight!  I’m your vindicator!  I’m your defender!  I’m bringing justice to your life!

Don’t give the enemy an opportunity to get a foothold or latch himself in your life. He purposes to shame you, making you think that something is wrong with you.

Pay attention! Listen! And listen well! You will not be ashamed or shamed! For God-of-the-Angel-Armies says so! For:
I am your fortress
I am your refuge
I am your strength and power for evermore!
Rest in Me and allow Me to do My work. I supply the power – you put it to use!
I am your comforter, your reliever from stress.  Don’t worry! Don’t get anxious!  I have a firm grip on the situation!

I will protect you, watch over you just like a mother hen spreads her wings over her chicks. I cover you with My feathers and under My mighty wings you can take shelter, take Sanctuary – “MY SAFE HAVEN”.

Without Me NOTHING makes sense BUT with me everything is ”NEW”!
IS THERE ANYTHING TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME? TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOUR GOD? Don’t be afraid for “I God your God love you and watch over you constantly! My Host of Angels have been given charge over you to keep you safe in ALL you do! ROUND THE CLOCK DIVINE PROTECTION! Stay close to your God. Follow My lead, follow My instructions!
I’m stretching you so take the lead. Take the jump! I’m here to help, here to bring you to safety.
Don’t doubt God but become more sure of Me than anyone or anything else in your life. Then I will mark your life with the lasting imprint of My presence. For I am right in the middle of your everyday life, everyday circumstance, ALL the time!

I will oversupply your needs. Give you more than enough! More than expected, My more than more, My best of the best!

I will bless you, empower you to prosper. Giving you new strength, pushing you towards My favor. I’M BRINGING A SURPLUS, My more than more! My increase!
My favor will look good on you, My greater work, My greater miracle, ALL just for you!
New doors, new things  and new opportunities! I’M ABOUT TO OPEN MY GOD TREASURE CHEST!

Throw open the doors of my sky vaults, pour out My blessing on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. I’m a covenant keeping God! I keep My word!  Keep My promises to the full. Obey My leading, obey My promptings so ALL may go well with you. Yes, indeed I am leading you.

So start moving! Move forward!  Move strong!  Move with your God!
Then you will have peace in all you do! What doesn’t make sense to you now, will make sense later! Nothing for Me is too hard! I AM THE ULTIMATE GOD! JEHOVAH JIRAH! I AM your future, so leave your past behind. I’m so comfortable being here with you! Taste and See – God Is Good!

I’m your good, good Father and you will taste and you will see the incredible goodness of God! When you come to the end of your strength – I’m there! For My strength is enough for you! For God is good – good ALL the time! Receive My goodness for there’s more to come! For My goodness expands, My goodness multiplies – never ending, ongoing all the time.
I tell the says what to be and thats My good for you! Something good is on its way. So don’t stop now! Do not give in or give up! Stand strong! Stay persistent! I know your desires and I’ve taken note of everyone. I’m bringing THE BLESSING to you. I love doing new things and I have new things waiting for you.

So Remain Expectant!  Remain full of faith!  I have great and good things in front of you!  Remain confident in your God.  Be expectant of your fill of Good Things!



Word from the Lord from Sylvia Nelson

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